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Supa-Site© Manuals & Support

Supa-Site© Manuals & Support :

Supa-Site© Shell-06 User Manual

To ensure that you have all the information you need to simply & easily create a powerful & effective Supa-Site©, a downloadable, 100+ page 'User Manual' is available for each Supa-Site© 'Type'. 'User Manuals' can be downloaded by both 'Get Started' & 'Full Version' Supa-Site© Customers.

These fully illustrated 'User Manuals' are designed to be printed out by the Supa-Site© Owner & then stored in a ring binder for fast and easy access.

Each 'User Manual' Contains :

Chapter 1 | Supa-Site© Overview : Detailing the basic setup of your Supa-Site©, the fundamentals of 'Article Creation', 'Content' Access Control, 'Member Level' usage, How 'Applications Work', Supa-Site© Security, Backup procedures, 'Hack / Crash' recovery & more.

Chapter 2 | Supa-Site© 'Type' Specific 'Setup' Guide : Including step-by-step 'Checklist'.

Chapter 3 | Supa-Site© Visual Content Preparation Guide : Including step-by-step instructions for Image & Photographic material preparation using our free, easy to use, downloadable 'PhotoPosPro' image editing program with sample images (For PC only).

Chapter 4 | Supa-Site© Pre-Launch 'Marketing Guide' : With suggestions & techniques for marketing your Supa-Site© & its services to your Customers (Includes 'Create An On-Line V.I.P Member Club' Guide).

Chapter 5 | Supa-Site© Color Scheme : A Guide to setting up your preferred Supa-Site© color scheme including : Choosing 'Logo' 'Position' (Left, center), 'Top Menu' On - Off, 'Site Menu' 'Sidebar' 'Position' (Left - Right), Background color selection, Background Picture inclusion (Option available but not recommended), 'Heading Bar' color & shape selection etc.

Style Setup : For example, this Xitranet© Supa-Site© uses 'Style 16' (Logo 'Left', White background, flat blue 'Header Bars' & a feature 'Font' named 'Bevan'). 'Style 16' one of 20 pre-configured 'Styles' available with all Supa-Site© 'Types'. The various 'Supa-Site© 'Demo' sites accessible from within this site use a selection of 'Styles' to demonstrate variety.

Chapter 6 | Formwork : A complete guide to 'Index' & 'Content' structure design (Incudes a suggested 'Category', 'Article' & 'Image' numbering system - vital for hassel-free Supa-Site© 'Content' creation) plus a full range of printable formwork allowing you to easly manage & delegate all the tasks necessary for successful Supa-Site© 'Structure" Design & 'Content Creation'.


Support, Tutorials & 'Help Desk' :

Xitranet© 'On-Line' Tutorials & 'Help Desk' :

In addition to your extensive 'Supa-Site© User Manual', Supa-Site© Owners with a current 'Help Desk' subscription also have access to our extensive on-line 'Tutorial' & detailed, 'Application Specific' usage & setup guides.

Each 'Integrated', 'Core' & 'Special' Application included within your Supa-Supa© is detailed in the 'Tutorial' area. Each 'Tutorial' is fully illustrated & contains all the information you should need to get the most out of your Supa-Sites© included Applications.

(Below : Partial screencap of a typical Supa-Site© 'Type' 'Homepage' in the 'EN.Xitranet.com' 'Help Desk Area')


Note : When you purchase either a 'Full Version' or a 'Get Started' Supa-Site©, you automatically receive with that purchase a 'Help Desk' Subscription. The duration of that 'Help Desk' subscription varies dependent upon the 'Type' of Supa-Site© you purchase.

With a valid 'Help Desk' Subscription you have unlimited access to both the 'EN.Xitranet.com' 'Help Desk Area' & our 'Member Download Area' (You 'Download' your Supa-Site© 'User Manual' from the 'Download' area).

Lapsed 'Help Desk' subscriptions can be renewed On-Line at any time.

Copyright & Encryption : Supa-Site© Owners are reminded that all 'User Manuals' remain the enduring Copyright property of Xitranet© and must not be copied or transmitted or supplied to any third party for any reason whatsoever. Each downloaded 'User Manual' is encrypted with a unique 'Password'. Every Supa-Site© Owner receives a unique 'User Manual' password with their Supa-Site© purchase confirmation Email.