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PWC15 | Room Allocation Application

Room Allocation Application :

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PWC15 | Xitranet’s© Venue Room Allocation "Special Application" | “PF Allocator©” :

PF Allocator© helps you to manage time slot room bookings for your venue - online !


Overview :

As an example : Let's say you have a sports hall, which you want you want to rent, so the visitors can book it for an hour or so and go for a sport match there. Or it can be a conference venue and as an event organizer you want the speakers to book their slots upfront and provide you with more details.

The “Allocator©” application will make sure there are no overlaps between the bookings and people book only within specific time frames. You can accept online payments via PayPal, bank transfer or ask people to pay in cash at your desk.

If you want you can specify the minimum and maximum time slot, so there is nobody who books more than 5 hours a day for instance.

The Allocator supports 3 booking time formats - minutes, hours and days. That means one time slot can be represented by a day, hour or a minute. Each venue / asset can have specific variables, eg: "Opening hours" and nobody can book outside those hours.

'Allocator Features:

  1. Payment time can be extended by using custom plugins.
  2. PayPal plugin, bank transfer plugin and Cash payment plugin are included in the package by default.
  3. Multilingual extension - you can easily translate it and the data can be translated as well.
  4. Completely native MVC extension following the best development standards.
  5. Bookings can be in days, hours or minutes.
  6. Visitors can book one or more venues / assets in one order and pay it all together.
  7. Customizable emails supported.
  8. Sends email on booking status change.
  9. Easy to complete booking process in one screen.

Allocator Screens :

Allocator | "Admin Configuration Screen" :


Allocator | "Admin Room Booking Order Manager Screen"


Allocator | "Frontend User Venue Room Booking Screen" :