Supa-Site© Special Applications
Supa-Site© Special Applications :
Most 'Supa-Site© Types' include one or more 'Special' Applications. 'Special Applications' offer unique, industry specific functionality for a particular Supa-Site© Type. Each of the 'Special Applications' listed below can only be found in it's associated 'Supa-Site© Type' or that 'Type's' derivatives. For full listing of all 'Applications' included within a particular 'Supa-Site© Type', Click that 'Special Applications' associated 'Supa-Site© 'Type' logo below.
To read more about a 'Supa-Site© Special Application', Click it's logo below. To read more about Supa-Site© 'Core & Integrated' Applications, Click 'Core Applications' or 'Integrated Applications' below.
Core Application | Integrated Applications
Supa-Site© Integrated Applications
Offer High level Event Registration & Bookiings Trough Your Supa-Site©.
Note : In addition to a particular "Special Application", each Supa-Site© Type may also included additional "Core Applications" & most Supa-Site© Types also include a full range of "Integrated Applications".
Where a "Supa-Site© Type" includes either a "Special" or "Core" Application which offers superior functionality to that found in a normally included "Integrated Application", that "Integrated Application" is dropped in favour of the superior functionality of the included "Special" or "Core" Application.