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PWC24 | Emailing Application

Supa-Site© Integrated Application :


PWC24 : Xitranets© Newsletter & Emailing Application | "AcyMailing©"

AcyMailing© is the leading Newsletter and Email marketing ApplicationAcyMailing© enables you to efficiently manage an unlimited number of Email subscribers, organize them into mailing lists, send personalized newsletters etc.

Acymailing is fully integrated into bopth your Supa-Site's 'Member Registration' process & you 'Higher Membership Level' 'Paid Subscriptions Application' (If included within your Supa-Site©). When a User 'Registers' with your Supa-Site©, he/she is automatically added to your AcyMailing 'Registered-Member-Mailing-List' Email group. When a 'Member' subscribes to a 'Higher Membership Level', he/she is automatically added to that 'Levels' Acymailing group.

AcyMailing Features :

  1. Record the User IP to stay compliant with all countries laws.
  2. Double opt-in and automatic unsubscribe link.
  3. CAN-SPAM compliant.
  4. Automatic synchronization with your Supa-Site© Users.
  5. Easily include Supa-Site© Content / Articles in your newsletter.
  6. Easily include any user information in your newsletter ('Member' name etc).
  7. Facebook© share and Twitter© share plugins.
  8. Display your mailing lists on your Supa-Site’s© registration form.
  9. Automatically subscribes your new 'Members' to one or several lists during their registration process.
  10. Newsletter template management including 3 default newsletter-templates.
  11. Attachment capability, Embedded images option.
  12. Preview and Send test newsletter to an entire Supa-Site© Email group or just to one specific Email address.
  13. Newsletter Statistics management (Number of Sent / Opened etc.).
  14. Advanced Newsletter statistics (who opened your Newsletter and when).
  15. Front-End newsletter archive section with PDF generation and print options.
  16. Handle SMTP Secured Connections (you can use GMail to send your newsletter).
  17. Real time send process using a queue system with throttling enabling you to overcome ANY server limitation!

AcyMailing 'Control Panel' : 

AcyMailing | Admin - Included 'Newsletter Templates' :

AcyMailing | Admin - Default built-in AcyMailing 'Emailing List' Screen :