PWC23 | Loyalty Points Application
Supa-Site© Integrated Application :
PWC23 : Xitranets© Customer Loyalty Application | "AlphaUserPoints©"
AlphaUserPoints© is the 'User Loyalty Points' Application built-in to & integrated with your Supa-Site©.
AlphaUserPoints© is a professional component that is designed to distribute or assign points to 'Registered Members' based on some action/s &/or activity undertaken by that 'Registered Member' on your Supa-Site©. Primerily, 'AlphaUserPoints' is designed to work in conjunction with your Supa-Site's built-in 'Higher Membership Level' system, elevating 'Members' to higher membership levels automatically when that 'Member' has accumulated a specific number of 'User Points' (As determined by you).
AlphaUserPoints Application Features :
- 'Members' can use 'Points' as 'Currency' in 'On-Line Shop' purchases (If 'On-Line Shop' is included in your Supa-Site©).
- 'Expiry Date' rules (useful for fixed length marketing campaigns).
- Auto-approve system.
- Integrated 'Invite/Recommend' system.
- Change user level by system points (From “Registered” to “Silver” etc).
- Works In Conjunction With Standard Supa-Site© Membership Levels (5 levels from "Registerd" to "VIP").
- Statistics per user.
- Details activity per user.
- Points Recalculate function.
- Reset all points function.
- Purge expired points.
- Exclude users (usefull for admins).
AlphaUserPoints 'Control Panel' :
AlphaUserPoints | 'Frontend' - 'Shop Point Level' Logos :
Dependent upon how you set-up your AlphaUserPoints system, each 'Registered Member' will be automatically allocated to a 'Shop Points Level' when they have accumulated a particular number of 'User Points' (You specify the numbers). You also specify the extra 'Privilages' (If any) associated with each 'Shopper Level' (These extra 'Privilages' can include automatic elevation to your Supa-Sites© 'Higher Membership Levels').
AlphaUserPoints | 'Frontend' - 'Your Shop Points Account' Screen :
Accessed by 'Registered Members' from thier Registered 'Member Menu'.
AlphaUserPoints | 'On-Line Shop' (If Included) - 'Pay With Points' Option :
If your Supa-Site includes an 'On-Line Shop', then 'Members' can use the 'Points' they have accumulated to pay for On-line purchases. Payments can be 'Points & PayPal' or just 'Points' (Note : You set the 'Points to Currency' value).