PWC12 | Group (Coupon) Buying Appliaction
Group Buy (Coupon) Application :
PWC12 | Xitranet’s© Social / Group Buying "Special Application" | “CM GroupBuy©” :
CMGroupBuying© is a high level 'Groupon' like professional Application which adds 'Social Buying' (also called 'Group Buying') functionality & features to your CouponPro© Supa-Site©.
CM Group Buy 'Admin' 'Control Panel' :
CM Group Buy Features :
- Customers can opt-in for deals, print free coupons or get free coupon code.
- Menu item lists of deals and free coupons.
- Menu items for shopping cart, user's orders and coupons, RSS feeds.
- Partner (merchant) area for checking and updating coupon status.
- +1 button for Google+, share deal via Twitter© and Facebook©.
- Each deal/free coupon can have its own background image.
- Facebook© comment.
- Side module for listing of deals.
- Search for deals.
- Integration with ACYMailing© Integrates with your Supa-Site© built-in Emailing system.
- Provides a customizable XML structure to connect with deal aggregators.
- Deal map / Category browsing : Shoppers can use Google Maps to browse for deals.
- Multi-option for deal: every deal can have many options (prices).
- AlphaUserPoints integration (Built-in to your Supa-Site©) : Shoppers earn points by referring deals, use points to buy deals.
- Supports Paypal, 2CheckOut, PagSeguro,, Payfast, Gold, eWAY, SystemPay, PayU.
- 3rd Party Merchants can submit deals and coupons (If enabled).
- Geotargeting (using IP database from MaxMind, IPInfoDB).
Backend : CMGroupBuying 'Configuration Screen'.
Backend : CMGroupBuying 'Setup Email Templates Screen'.
Backend : CMGroupBuying 'Deal Manager Screen'.
Backend : CMGroupBuying 'Customer Order Management Screen'.
Other Features :
- Control layout, email notification and other settings.
- Design coupons using “Drag-and-drop”.
- Compose Email content for newsletters.
- Manage categories, locations, partners, deals, orders, coupons.
- Reports for each 'Deal' and 'Partner', export report to Microsoft Excel file.
- Integration with Supa-Site's© built-in ACYMailing's tag system and auto-newsletter to send daily deal list to subscribers.
- Administrators preview of all deals & coupons submitted by Merchants.
Additional 'Extensions' :
- CMDailyDeal: Template for CMGroupBuying.
- CMMobile: Template for mobile browsing.
- CMSubscription: Template for daily mail subscription page (similar to Living Social's homepage).
- CMGroupbuying Location: Module to change subscribed location.
- CMGroupbuying More Deals: Module for listing more deals.
- CMGroupbuying Search: Module for searching deals.
- CMDealArticle: Plug-in for inserting a deal into Joomla!'s article.
- CMMobileDetection: Plug-in for detecting mobile browsing.