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PWC10 | Employment Agency Application

Employment Agency Application :


PWC10 | Xitranet’s© Employment Agency "Special Application" | “F+ Recruitment Manager©” :

Xitranet's© Recruitment Agency Manager Application allows a recruitment agency to advertise jobs/vacancies, accept client/candidate registrations, CV/Resume submissions, job/vacancy applications, etc. Clients/employers can also submit and manage vacancies, track applications, interviews, etc. via the 'Frontend'. Partners can refer clients and candidates to the agency.

Recruitment Manager 'Admin' 'Control Panel' : 


Recruitment Manager© Features :

  1. Charging for job submissions / applications can be enabled/disabled by global parameters.
  2. Supports Multiple 'Custom Fields' for candidates, clients and partner data capture.
  3. Supports CSV import of client, job/vacancy, candidate/job seeker and partner data (From MS Excel).
  4. 'Front Page' provides a 'Vacancy/Job Search form', 'Top 5 / Featured Vacancies', job details display and job application. (With CV submission.)
  5. Candidates can store comprehensive details about themselves, apply for vacancies, track their applications, interviews, etc.
  6. Clients can change their company details, submit new vacancies and view/manage their previously submitted vacancies via the site frontend. They can also view any applications or interviews for any of their jobs.
  7. Partners can view the current vacancies and refer new Clients and Candidates to the agency.
  8. Recruitment Agency Manager© has been developed in such a way that it can be used in any country (Multilingual).
  9. A full set of UK Areas (countries and counties), USA and Australian states, South African Provinces, New Zealand States and Districts and Indian States is included and can be installed in seconds.
  10. A set of example 'Sectors' and 'Rate Bands' are also included and can be installed in seconds
  11. The 'Backend' Admin system allows the administrator (MasterUser) to manage clients, jobs/vacancies, candidates, applications, interviews, areas/locations, sectors, roles, partners, custom fields and rate bands.

Frontend : Typical 'Recruitment Manager©' 'Job Detials Screen".


Backend : 'Admin Employer Setup Screen'.


Backend Backend : 'Job Seeker / Candidate Setup Screen'.


Backend : 'Admin Applications Received Screen'.
