PWC09 | Real Estate Application
Real Estate Application :
PWC09 | Xitranet’s© Real Estate "Special Application" | “OS Property©” :
OS Property© is a full-featured, easy to setup & use Real Estate / Property Application. OS Property© allows Real Estate Agents to operate their own independent, highly professional Real Estate website, with the ability to offer properties both “For Sale” & “For Rent”.
OS Real Estate 'Admin' 'Control Panel' :
Real Estate Agents can upload photo’s of properties, create & manage categories, sub-categories, staff profiles, company profiles & more. OS Property© allows your Customers to save and compare favorite properties.
A special feature of OS Property© is the ability to use your PropertyPro© Supa-Site© as a “Marketplace” where Property Owners can “Self-List” their own properties paying for their listings using the included payment mechanisms (Optional use included feature).
OS Property Features :
Multiple properties can be imported using the 'CSV' Import feature. If you already have a database of properties you can easily load that data into your new PropertyPro© Supa-Site© using MS Excel “CSV” formatted files.
Property Types, Categories, Cities, States, Countries :
Frontend : You can list properties in the frontend by Property 'Types', 'Categories', 'Cities', 'States' etc.
'Field Groups' & 'Custom Field' Groups :
You can create all the Custom Fields you need for your property system from the 'Backend'. There are two 'Property Levels' - 'Normal listing' and 'Feature listing' (Applies to both Properties 'For Sale' & 'For Lease / Rent'.
Backend : 'Property' setup screen - Dropdown allows simple categorization of each 'Property'.
Paypal payment :
Customers can pay to upgrade their property listings from “Normal” to “Featured” On-line through your Supa-Site© using the included PayPal© payment gateway.
Locator Search :
Frontend : Search for a 'Property' using Google Maps & view 'Properties' using Google Street View.
Advance Search :
Advance Search' available within all the custom fields. Registered user can save search criteria for re-use.
Location Data :
Location Data For United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Spain, France, Brazil, India, Italy,Netherlands, Portugal, Turkey, Australia, Russia, Singapore, Sweden, Germany, Argentina, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Mexico, Norway, South Africa and Finland is included.
Property 'Types', 'Categories/sub-categories' :
Backend : Unlimited custom property types, categories/sub-categories, amenities, custom field groups and custom fields.
Other Features :
- Multiple Currencies : 60 currency types supported.
- Plugin to integrate with Subscription system. Other parties can purchase subscriptions to your service allowing them to add properties to your website or upgrade property listings (Optional).
- Integrate with Calendar. Availability Calendar feature for each property of your Rental system.