PWC03 | Hotel Room Reservations
Room Bookings Application :
PWC03 | Xitranet’s© Room Reservations "Special Application" | “VIKbookings©” :
Applications "Control Panel"
VIKbookings "Configuration" :
VIKbookings is the 'State of the Art' Application for taking On-line & In-house accommodation room reservations.
VIKbookings Overview :
VIKbookings is organized around two concepts, "Rooms" & "Categories", where each "Room" is allocated to one specific "Category'.
Each "Room" can be specified in terms of its capacity (The ninimum & maximun number of Adults & Children) & the "Room Options" available for that 'Room" (Eg: Room Options could include : "Rollout bed", "Chanpagne breakfast", "Video projector" etc).
"Room" pricing can be specified in multiple rates based on the number of nights occupied (Eg: 1 night rate = $250 p/n, 1-2 night rate = $225 p/n, 1-3 night rate = $215 p/n etc). "Room" pricing can also be modified by the specification of "Special Prices" which can be applied by "Season" &/or "Day of The Week". "Special Prices" can be also be applied at different rates dependant upon the number of nights booked.
"Room" pricing can be further specified in terms of discounts applicable when that "Room" is occupied by fewer persons than that "Rooms" intended maximum occupancy (Eg: A "Double Room" might normaly be charge at a rate suitable for two persons, but if that "Room" is in fact booked by one Adult you may wish to provide a discount).
From your Clients perspective, "Rooms" are selected by "Check-in Date" & "Checkout Date", the number of "Rooms" required & the number of Adults & Children per "Room", then by "Room Category".
Using the Clients specification, the Application searches your 'Room Stock' and "Confirmed" bookings & returns a list of "Rooms" which are available on the required date & match your Clients selection criteria.
"Rooms" can also be booked "On The Fly" via your ProWebsite's© Administrative Backend.
On-line payments for "Room Bookings' can be 100% of the reservation / booking price or can be a percentage (= deposit).