PWC01 | On-Line Shop Application
On-Line Shop Application :

This 'Core Application' is included within these Supa-Site© 'Types' :
PWC01 : Xitranets© On-Line Shopping Application | "Virtuemart VM2©"
VirtueMart© is the world’s leading eCommerce online-shop solution.
VirtueMart is easy to setup & use. With over 500,000 websites using Virtuemart© you can feel secure in the knowledge that the VirtueMart© Application can provide you with the stability, high performance, usability and security you need for a successful, upgradeable On-line eCommerce 'Web-Shop'.
Complete details for setting up your Supa-Site's© Virtuemart On-line shop are included within your Supa-Site© 'User Manual'. You can also download our free 'Productivity Tools' - including 'Image Editor' - to assist in On-line shop creation.
VirtueMart 'Admin' 'Control Panel' :
Virtuemart Features :
On-line Shop Products :
- Meta tags for SEO.
- Short and long description.
- Dimensions (weight, size etc).
- Multiple media / photo's per product.
- Variants, attributes.
- Unlimited 'Child Products' and derivate levels.
- Related products.
- Reviews and ratings.
- Coupon handling.
- Recommend a product to friend link.
Shopper Groups :
- Pricing dependent upon User 'Shopper Group' = 'Supa-Site© 'Membership Level'.
- Pricing display can be dependent upon User 'Shopper group' Membership.
- Payment / Shipping can be dependent upon User 'Shopper group' membership.
Prices :
- Multi-Currency.
- Auto updating rates.
- Add your own currencies for fixed currency rates.
- Dynamic Calculator.
- Discounts based on time, category, shopper group, country, and state.
- Tax based on time, category, shopper group, country, and state.
- Discounts, tax per product and/or order.
- Discounts, tax have their own currencies (for duties).
Payment Systems :
VirtueMart© offers un-equaled flexibility with respect to payment systems. You can purchase separately any number of “Payment Gateway Plugin’s” so no matter what country you operate your business from or which country you sell your products into, you can provide the payment options best suited to your Clients local needs.
- Set Minimal / Maximal spend for a 'Payment Method' (Eg : Visa Card').
- Charge For Credit Card Transaction fees.
- By country.
- By shopper group.
- Paypal, SystemPay, Payzen, Klarna & COD payment methods included (Many more available).
Shipment :
- Charge by 'Shopper Group'
- Charge by countries
- Charge based on weight, zip, countries, number of articles, order amount
Frontend : Typical Supa-Site© Virtuemart 'Product Category'
Backend : Typical Product Page
Frontend : Included Supa-Site© VirtueMart 'Product Slideshow' (Automatically generated) :
Frontend : Typical Supa-Site© VirtueMart 'Product Page' :