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PWC37 | Sales Lead Management Application

Sales Lead Management App :


This 'Core Application' is included within these Supa-Site© 'Types' :

PWC37 : Xitranets© Sales Leads Management Application | 'jLead Management'

The 'jLead Management' Application is a simple to use but powerfull 'Sales Lead' Management solution for businesses that need to allocate & manage 'Sales Leads' generated either via the 'Frontend' of their Supa-Site© &/or from other sales lead sources (Sales leads can be manually entered into the system by your 'MasterUser' or 'Manager' via the 'Backend' of your Supa-Site©).

This is kind of very mini-CRM ('Customer Relationship Management') Application which is an ideal On-line Sales Lead Management system for businesses with up to 10 sales persons.

jLead 'Admin' 'Control Panel' : 

Admin : 'jLeads Management' 'Client Leads' list ('MasterUser' & 'Managers' see all, Sales Persons only see their own)

'Lead Management' Application Features :

  1. Customizable 'Frontend' form for accepting Client inquires ('Sales Leads').
  2. 'MasterUser' can create 'Custom Fields' for data capture ('Select an Option' - From a List, 'Checkbox' - Click an option box, 'Radio Buttons' - Click a button or 'Text Entry Area' - Type text into a box).
  3. 'Sales Leads' gathered from other sources can be manually entered from the 'Backend'.
  4. 'MasterUser' can manage all 'Sales Leads' (Add / Edit / Delete / Allocate) from the 'Backend'.
  5. 'Sales Leads' can be assigned to 'Sales Persons' By either a 'Manager' or 'MasterUser'. 
  6. Any 'Member' of your Supa-Site's© 'MasterUser, Manager or Employee User Groups' can be a 'Sales Person'.
  7. 'Sales Persons' only see the 'Sales Leads' assigned to them by your 'MasterUser' or 'Manager'.
  8. 'MasterUser' & 'Managers' see all 'Sales leads'.
  9. 'MasterUser' or 'Managers' can change the 'Status' and 'Probability' of each Sales Lead & add remarks.
  10. Automatic 'Reminders' (by date alert) can be added to 'Sales Leads' specifying actions to be taken.
  11. 'Sales Persons' can change the 'Probability' ('50/50', 'Likely', 'Very Likely' or 'Unlikely') of each of their Sales Leads.
  12. 'Sales Persons' can update the 'Status' ('Not started', 'Processing', 'Complete', 'Dead') of each of their 'Sales leads'.
  13. 'Sales Persons' can add remarks to their 'Sales Leads'.
  14. 'Clients' can 'Upload' documents when making an inquiry'.
  15. 'MasterUser' can restrict upload docuement types (Eg : '.doc', '.txt' etc).
  16. Customizable Email templates for auto sending of 'Lead Received' confirmation when a 'Sales Lead' has been assigned to a 'Salesperson'.
  17. Statistical information can be displayed based on the country, probability, status, date and the salesperson.
  18. Application Backend 'Dashboard' with shortcuts & which displays a list of 'Remainders' by 'Salesperson'.
  19. 'Frontend' Module which allows the inserting of basic inquiry form into any 'Article' using 'loadposition' syntax.
  20. 'Frontend' 'Captcha' field to prevent spam.

Frontend : Typical ' jLead Management' 'Sales Inquiry' form with Default & 'Custom Fields'