PWC37 | Sales Lead Management Application
Sales Lead Management App :
This 'Core Application' is included within these Supa-Site© 'Types' :
PWC37 : Xitranets© Sales Leads Management Application | 'jLead Management'
The 'jLead Management' Application is a simple to use but powerfull 'Sales Lead' Management solution for businesses that need to allocate & manage 'Sales Leads' generated either via the 'Frontend' of their Supa-Site© &/or from other sales lead sources (Sales leads can be manually entered into the system by your 'MasterUser' or 'Manager' via the 'Backend' of your Supa-Site©).
This is kind of very mini-CRM ('Customer Relationship Management') Application which is an ideal On-line Sales Lead Management system for businesses with up to 10 sales persons.
jLead 'Admin' 'Control Panel' :
Admin : 'jLeads Management' 'Client Leads' list ('MasterUser' & 'Managers' see all, Sales Persons only see their own)
'Lead Management' Application Features :
- Customizable 'Frontend' form for accepting Client inquires ('Sales Leads').
- 'MasterUser' can create 'Custom Fields' for data capture ('Select an Option' - From a List, 'Checkbox' - Click an option box, 'Radio Buttons' - Click a button or 'Text Entry Area' - Type text into a box).
- 'Sales Leads' gathered from other sources can be manually entered from the 'Backend'.
- 'MasterUser' can manage all 'Sales Leads' (Add / Edit / Delete / Allocate) from the 'Backend'.
- 'Sales Leads' can be assigned to 'Sales Persons' By either a 'Manager' or 'MasterUser'.
- Any 'Member' of your Supa-Site's© 'MasterUser, Manager or Employee User Groups' can be a 'Sales Person'.
- 'Sales Persons' only see the 'Sales Leads' assigned to them by your 'MasterUser' or 'Manager'.
- 'MasterUser' & 'Managers' see all 'Sales leads'.
- 'MasterUser' or 'Managers' can change the 'Status' and 'Probability' of each Sales Lead & add remarks.
- Automatic 'Reminders' (by date alert) can be added to 'Sales Leads' specifying actions to be taken.
- 'Sales Persons' can change the 'Probability' ('50/50', 'Likely', 'Very Likely' or 'Unlikely') of each of their Sales Leads.
- 'Sales Persons' can update the 'Status' ('Not started', 'Processing', 'Complete', 'Dead') of each of their 'Sales leads'.
- 'Sales Persons' can add remarks to their 'Sales Leads'.
- 'Clients' can 'Upload' documents when making an inquiry'.
- 'MasterUser' can restrict upload docuement types (Eg : '.doc', '.txt' etc).
- Customizable Email templates for auto sending of 'Lead Received' confirmation when a 'Sales Lead' has been assigned to a 'Salesperson'.
- Statistical information can be displayed based on the country, probability, status, date and the salesperson.
- Application Backend 'Dashboard' with shortcuts & which displays a list of 'Remainders' by 'Salesperson'.
- 'Frontend' Module which allows the inserting of basic inquiry form into any 'Article' using 'loadposition' syntax.
- 'Frontend' 'Captcha' field to prevent spam.
Frontend : Typical ' jLead Management' 'Sales Inquiry' form with Default & 'Custom Fields'